Novopano hosted their multiplier event in Hamburg, Germany in form of an exhibition stand on the “WeinHamburg” exhibition. We were very happy to be a part of the 140 exhibitors on the 3000 sqm area from 2nd to 3rd of November. The other exhibitors itself were primarily small wineries. To some of them we were able to get in touch and promote the heritaccess project for their purpose.

From the main audience with over 100 person of interest we received very overwhelming feedback in person and on the feedback forms. The very majority were very interested and had the wish that we publish more rural heritage winery sights. Especially the panoramic images were recognized as the ideal choice to get an authentic picture from the sight. Nevertheless, there was also the whish that we include more additional information into the panoramic pictures. Finally, the barrier free options and different languages were recognized by the audience but unfortunately not especially mentioned in the feedback forms.